5 Ways to Save Money on Eco-Friendly Yarn

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So, you’ve decided to start knitting and crocheting, but you don’t want to deal with the waste that comes from using traditional acrylic yarns. That’s understandable! We want our hobbies to be enjoyable, not wasteful. This blog post is about saving money on eco-friendly yarn without compromising your values or sacrificing quality!

Fortunately for us crafters, there are many eco-friendly options available these days. From plant-derived fibres like cotton and bamboo to animal products like alpaca wool and yak-down hair, we can all find ways to work with sustainable materials while still getting the look we want when it comes time for our projects.

The Problem with Acrylic Yarn

Acrylic yarn consist of petroleum products, which means it’s not biodegradable. If you’re interested in knitting or crocheting something for the planet, acrylic yarn isn’t your best choice. 

It also isn’t quite as soft as natural wool and doesn’t smell as nice when it’s new. In addition to these problems, acrylic yarn doesn’t provide the same warmth and durability as natural wool, even though it often costs more per yard! 

Finally, acrylic fibres don’t breathe well (unlike their wool counterparts), so they tend to feel hot during warm weather activities such as hiking or gardening.

7 Alternatives to Acrylic Yarn

Recycled Blends

The term “recycled yarn” is a bit of a misnomer. Recycled yarns don’t come from old, used fibres but rather from leftover bits of other yarns from projects they come from. The resulting yarns can be blended to create something entirely new and unique.

For example, if you’re working on a shawl and have run out of your favourite colour but still have plenty of another one left over, instead of buying more or waiting until you can get more shipped in, you could use it to make a scarf! This way, all those leftover bits become useful again instead of just sitting unused.

These recycled types are often soft because they’ve been processed less than other kinds. This makes them easy on sensitive skin and less likely to cause allergic reactions such as itching/redness since there may be fewer allergens present in these blends.

Plant-Derived Yarns

Plant-derived yarns come from natural fibres such as cotton, bamboo, and hemp. These fibres are renewable, eco-friendly, and often more affordable than animal-based yarns. They are also soft and comfortable, a plus for people with sensitive skin. Plant-derived yarns use all-natural dyes to produce vibrant colours.

Scrap Yarn

Scrap yarn comes in all shapes and sizes, so you can use it to crochet anything from a scarf to a blanket. It doesn’t matter if it’s brand new or super old, as long as it uses natural fibres (no acrylics!). The best part about scrap yarn is that it’s available at thrift stores for under $1 per skein!

The only real difficulty with scrap yarn is storing it so that you don’t end up with tangled messes. To avoid this issue, try keeping your scraps in separate bags or boxes by colour instead of storing them together like regular balls of yarn. This will allow you to easily find what you’re looking for and eliminate the tangling problems associated with large batches of tangled scraps.

If you end up with knotted pieces or loose ends on your hands due to various storage solutions gone wrong over time, remember one thing: they can always be spun into something else!

Bamboo Yarns

Bamboo is a sustainable resource, as it’s grown naturally renewable and produces high-quality fibres. It offers a variety of uses, from food and medicine to textiles.

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It is versatile and can be used for any fabric, from lace to sturdy tweed. When you choose bamboo yarns over other fibres, you’re contributing to the environment by helping reduce waste and pollution.

Recycled Silk

Recycled silk is a great option for eco-friendly yarn. It comes from old silkworm cocoons, so it’s 100% biodegradable and recyclable. It has all the same benefits as traditional silk—it’s soft, drapes well, and dyes beautifully—but at a fraction of the cost since it doesn’t require raising worms or harvesting their cocoons.

Recycled silk might be right up your alley if you’re looking to invest in your eco-friendly knitting habits.

5 Ways to Save Money on Eco-Friendly Yarn

Consider joining a local fibre crafting guild

Meet other fibre artists and learn new techniques. If you’re a beginner, joining a local guild is a great way to learn about the art of spinning yarn and other fibre crafting practices. You may even enjoy it so much that you want to get involved!

Get your work out there. Joining a guild will also give you access to local markets and fairs where you can sell your crafts. That means more money in your pocket without extra effort—and who doesn’t love that?

Learn about local resources as well as new materials available for purchase. Many guilds offer workshops or discussions on their website forums where members can share tips, tricks, recipes, or even tips on how they built their spinning wheel out of spare parts found at the hardware store next door!

Sharing yarn and fibres with friends

Sharing yarn and fibres with friends is a great way to save money. If you have an extra skein of yarn, give it to a friend. Share it with someone who will use it if you have some wool roving that’s just taking up space in your closet. If you are knitting something and realize that the pattern calls for more yarn than what was included in the kit, go ahead and swap with another knitter.

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to sharing ideas, here are some tips:

Share your stash. This is one of the best ways to save money on eco-friendly yarn—and even if there aren’t any other spinners or knitters nearby (or if they don’t want what you have), at least now your stash isn’t taking up as much space as before!

Share knitting needles/hooks/crochet hooks/dolls and other craft supplies when possible; these things can get expensive over time! You never know who might need one specifically until they see yours first—then, before long, everyone has one but no idea where theirs came from originally…

Team up for bulk buys

Buy in bulk. Buying a big bag of cotton or wool can be less expensive than buying smaller amounts, and you can always break it up into smaller balls for later projects.

Buy in bulk for a group. If a club, guild, or knitting circle in your area meets regularly, consider joining forces to buy supplies together—you’ll all benefit from lower prices while supporting each other’s interests!

Buy in bulk for charity. If you’re passionate about environmental causes but lack funds to give back to them through donations or volunteering time (or both), consider purchasing eco-friendly yarns instead of store-bought brands; then donate these materials directly to charities that work on behalf of nature lovers everywhere!

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Try discovering new fibre artists.

If you’re a fibre artist, consider creating branded yarns that can be used in your work or sold at shows. This great way to get your name out there and impact the knitting community. If you’re not a knitter, consider supporting local fibre artists who create their brand of yarns (which may be available through craft stores). You won’t need as much extra space or equipment if you choose this route! Here are some tips for finding sustainable yarn:

Try discovering new fibre artists by following them on social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest. You never know what amazing things they might have made until you try looking!

Subscribe to newsletters from known brands like Lion Brand Yarns so they can send updates directly to your inbox when something relevant happens—like an upcoming sale!

Buy your yarn online. It can be cheaper than buying in person!

If you’re looking for eco-friendly yarn, it’s a good idea to buy it online. It’s often cheaper than in-person buying, especially if you purchase from an online retailer with free shipping. You can save money buying in bulk online. You’ll get better pricing on your shipping costs when shopping online.

Here are some eco-friendly yarns that you buy on Amazon:

Knitsilk Recycled Sari Silk Bulky Yarn

Knitsilk Recycled Sari Silk Bulky Yarn is perfect for eco-friendly knitting projects. Made out of 100% recycled silk, this yarn is available in various colours. It’s also dyeable and comes in bulky weight, which makes it ideal for quick and bulky projects like sweaters or blankets.

Colour options: This yarn comes in a wide range of shades, from light brown to dark red, so you can find the perfect colour for your project.

Size options: You can choose from different sizes (1 pound, 2 pounds) depending on what kind of project you want with this yarn! Smaller sizes mean fewer skeins needed overall; larger ones will give greater quantity but take longer to finish due to their thickness/weightiness factor.

Knitsilk Recycled Sari Silk Bulky Yarn
Knitsilk Recycled Sari Silk Bulky Yarn

LaPace Eco-Friendly Premier Cotton Yarn

LaPace Eco-Friendly Premier Cotton Yarn, available at Amazon and other retailers, is a 100% cotton yarn made in the USA. It comes in various colours, weights, and lengths — as well as textures and widths — so you can find the perfect one for your next project. The possibilities are endless!

LaPace Eco-Friendly Premier Cotton Yarn
LaPace Eco-Friendly Premier Cotton Yarn

BambooMN Bamboo Wool Blend Yarn

BambooMN is one of many companies that makes eco-friendly yarn. This company’s product is a 100% bamboo wool blend, and it’s soft and warm, making it perfect for winter sweaters or cowls. It can be machine washed on the cold cycle, so you don’t have to worry about ruining your garment if you accidentally forget to take it out of the washer before running a hot cycle. Also, since this yarn comes in many colours and weights (including fingering weight), there are plenty of different options available depending on what you’re looking for!

BambooMN Bamboo Wool Blend Yarn
BambooMN Bamboo Wool Blend Yarn

Yonkey Monkey Skein Tencel Yarn

Yonkey Monkey Skein Tencel Yarn is a man-made fibre from wood pulp. It’s incredibly soft, smooth, lightweight, and warm. Tencel yarn has a natural stretch that makes it perfect for garments like sweaters and scarves. The flexibility also allows the garment to have better movement in the body of a person wearing it.

You can use Tencel for any project. Still, you will find many people who prefer this particular material because of its eco-friendly nature and comfort level when wearing these garments regularly.

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Yonkey Monkey Skein Tencel Yarn
Yonkey Monkey Skein Tencel Yarn

Alpaca Yarn Wool

Alpaca Yarn Wool is a luxury fibre that is soft and warm. It’s hypoallergenic and has a natural elasticity, which makes it ideal for knitting projects like sweaters, hats, and scarves. Alpaca yarn is also durable and easy to care for.

Alpaca wool comes from the alpaca animal, a relative of the llama (itself related to camels). While Alpacas are available in South America, they are often raised for their wool in other parts where it’s colder—such as New Zealand or Australia. 

When fully grown, the animal’s fleece typically falls between 12-20 inches long. Some breeds have even been known to grow as long as 25 inches! This means your product will be very warm indeed!

Alpaca Yarn Wool
Alpaca Yarn Wool

Patons Silk Bamboo Yarn

Patons Silk Bamboo Yarn comes from a blend of bamboo and wool. It’s soft, silky, and drapes well—so it’s perfect for making warm garments that still look stylish. This yarn can be used for knitting, weaving, or crocheting. It comes in various colours to find the right hue for whatever garment you’re planning on making. Since this is an eco-friendly material, it will help protect the environment and save you money on your wardrobe budget!

You can machine wash Patons Silk Bamboo Yarn and dry it in the dryer since bamboo doesn’t shrink like traditional cotton (who knew?). This means you’ll be able to cut down on washes and do laundry less often, which saves time AND effort—a win-win situation!

Patons Silk Bamboo Yarn
Patons Silk Bamboo Yarn

Lotus Yarns 100% Bamboo Yarn

Lotus Yarns 100% Bamboo Yarn is a soft and luxurious yarn perfect for making warm, cosy blankets and garments. This eco-friendly yarn contains no animal products or dyes. It comes from bamboo, a fast-growing grass that absorbs carbon dioxide, producing more oxygen than most trees, shrubs, and crops. The result? More efficient growing practices help reduce greenhouse gases and improve air quality in our environment.

Lotus Yarns 100% Bamboo Yarn
Lotus Yarns 100% Bamboo Yarn


We hope you’ve found some great ideas for making the most of your eco-friendly yarn. Now it’s time to get creative and use these tips in your projects! If you have any other eco-friendly yarn tips or ideas, we’d love to hear them in the comments below.

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